domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

Family Relationships Listening – Comprehension and Vocabulary Quiz

Family Relationships Listening – Comprehension and Vocabulary Quiz
A.- Listening – Comprehension
People can get to know each other better if they can talk about their families, jobs, hometowns, and even their hobbies. Then listen to information on the next link and choose the answer the next questions
1. So, what does your father do for a living?
A. He lives in Paris.
B. He's an architect.
C. His name is Greg.
2. How many _____________ are in your family?
A. There are five people in my family.
B. My father has two brothers.
C. My sister isn't married.
3. How _______ is your ________________?
A. Since 1978.
B. He's seventeen.
C. She turned 10 in May.
4. Where______________________________________________?
A. They're both lawyers.
B. They're from Australia. C. They live in London.
5. ____________________________________________________?
A. I'm single.   
B. I have two sisters.
C. I live with my brothers.
6. What _________________________________________________?
A. His name is Chris. B. Call me Kathy. C. Everyone calls her Nancy.
7. Where _________________________________________________?
A. She's a writer.
B. She enjoys her work.
C. She works in a library.
8. ___________________________________________ married?
A. In 1984.
B. Since 1993.
C. On September 21st.
9. Do you ________________________________________________?
A. Yes, two daughters. B. Yes, I like children. C. Yes, two brothers.
10. Wh___________________________________________________?
A. We met last summer.
B. We met at a Christmas party.
C. My wife and I got married in May.
B.- Vocabulary
1.     My aunt's children are my ____________________
a) uncles
b) parents
c) cousins
d) nephews.
2.    My brother's daughter is my ____________________ .
a) nephew
b) cousin
c) niece
d) aunt.
3.    My dad's brother is my ____________________ .
a) uncle
b) cousin
c) nephew
d) step-parent.
4.    My father's son is my ____________________ .
a) uncle
b) cousin
c) brother
d) fiancé.
5.    My female spouse is my ____________________ .
a) grandmother
b) mother in-law
c) wife
d) sister.
6.    My grandpa's father is my ____________________ .
a) great uncle
b) great grandpa
c) uncle
d) step-father.
7.    My mother's daughter is my ____________________ .
a) aunt
b) niece
c) brother
d) sister.
8.    My mother's mother is my ____________________ .
a) great-grandmother
b) grandmother
c) great aunt
d) auntie.
9.    My sister's husband is my ____________________ .
a) brother
b) sibling
c) brother in-law
d) step-brother.
10.  My step-mother's son is my ____________________ .
a) step-brother
b) cousin
c) step-son
d) nephew.

Script and answers
A.- Listening. comprehension
  1. So, what does your father do for a living? (He's an architect.)
  2. How many people are in your family? (There are five people in my family.)
  3. How old is your sister? (She turned 10 in May.)
  4. Where do your parents live now? (They live in London.)
  5. How many brothers and sisters do you have? (I have two sisters.)
  6. What is your brother's name? (His name is Chris.)
  7. Where does your mother work? (She works in a library.)
  8. How long have you been married? (Since 1993.)
  9. Do you have any children? (Yes, two daughters.)
  10. Where did you and your wife meet? (We met at a Christmas party.)
B.- Vocabulary
1. c) cousins
2. c) niece
3. a) uncle
4. c) brother
5. c) wife
6. b) great grandpa
7. d) sister
8. b) grandmother
9. c) brother in-law
10. a) step-brother

Family Gripes: How to Encourage a Teenager to Help Clean the House

Video Transcript

Hello, have you wondered how to get your teen to help clean the house, that's a big task, but very often, easy solutions. My name is Dr. Felicia, and I like to help you with a few tips. First place, starting to clean the house is something that is learned early on in life. So, as a small child you would of given them small chores to maybe complete. As they get older, of course the chores can become more and more meaningful. Usually a teen will follow your example, so hopefully you're cleaning another portion of the house, but you might allocate a certain activity, or a chore, or a portion of the house for the child to clean. Many teens are asked to either clean the bathroom, do the dishes every night, or vacuum the living room, in their own bedroom, and usually that's reasonable. Try to be reasonable, because if you're unrealistic in your demands, and you say, clean the whole house, while every other brother and sister is sitting around, that's just not going to happen. So if you're going to allocate chores to a teenager, make sure they're evenly allocated to all of the siblings in the house. Kids are very quick to get jealous about that, and they'll rebel against any of those activities. So if you want it to run smooth, make sure it's well known what chores are expected. Be flexible and reasonable. If an activity comes up and they can't be there; for instance if they had a cheerleading practice, or if they had a special hard test that day and had to go to school and study, that chore can't get done that day, don't give punishment, because that's not realistic. Also expect the level of cleanliness to match whatever level you taught them how to clean, okay. And again, if you set by example, it's not like you're just sitting on the sofa watching them clean, that you're actually cleaning another portion of the house, so you set by role model. So with that in mind, again keep that discussion open, have the chores clearly specified for each child in the house, teenagers on down, the level of activity, it should match their maturity. But at the same time, give them compliments and rewards for when they do a good job. Remember, a compliment goes a long way. Thank you, and happy cleaning. Dr. Felicia


Dear students,
After having started a new unit about family and relationships, here is another post for you to improve your vocabulary!
 This time we will be looking at a new word:  blended family. A blended family is one formed from previous, unsuccessful relationships and replaces the old term, stepfamily. I don’t actually like this phrase; it suggests they’ve all been mixed up in a food processor, and I think it is a victim of the current fashion for everything to be blended: blended learning and blended search are just a couple of examples. I admit, however, that blended family is both effective and clear in its meaning.
What do you think?
Hope you have enjoyed learning this new word!


1. Vocabulary  . -   Look at the family tree and complete the sentences.

Emily is Peter’s ___sister_______________________
Peter is Emily’s ______________________________
Jack is Emily’s _______________________________
Amelia is Peter’s _____________________________
George is Katherina’s _________________________
Katherina is Emily and Peter’s ___________________

2.- Listening- Comprenhesion
As we have been learning the topic of “Extended Family“, how about practicing your listening skills?
Meeting the Extended Family – In this episode we hear about couples’ experiences of meeting their partners’ families.
Access the website
Listen to the story and answer the following questions:
  • Section one: 
1. What word do William and Kate both use to describe each other’s families?
2. Does William like Kate’s parents?
  • Section two:
3. Where did David – unintentionally – first meet Jennifer’s mum?
4. What did Jennifer’s mum cook which David discovered he is allergic to?

You can read the audio script

3.-Reading- Comprehension Practice
Read the following birth announcement. Then answer the questions below it.
(Answers are at the bottom of the page.)

Paul and Kerry Campbell would like to welcome their new son Christopher Casey to the clan! Weighing 4.2 kilograms, Chris was born on September 2nd at 3:30pm. He will join his sister Rachel, 6 and his brother Malcolm, 4 in the Campbell household in Vancouver, Canada. Christopher's proud aunts Kathy Campbell and Sherry Smith were present at his birth. Grandparents, Lisa and Mike Smith were also present. Chris's grandmother in Texas will be arriving soon to meet her new grandson. Cousins Jerry, Fern, and Lindsay can't wait to meet baby Chris too! The proud parents would like to thank all of their extended family for the warm wishes and gifts.

  1. What is Christopher's mother's name?
  2. Who are Christopher's siblings?
  3. How is Kathy Campbell related to the newborn?
  4. Who will be coming to see Chris soon ?
  5. Who is Kathy in relation to Kerry?

4.-Writing Practice
A) Create your own birth announcement. You don't have to include all of your family members. Make sure to mention some of your extended relatives. Which family members were present at the time of your birth? Post your birth announcement on your Touchstone blog.
B) Create your own English family tree. Add the names of your family members in the correct spots. Or, create a graph, indicating how many siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents you have.

Reading Practice Answers:
  1. Christopher's mother's name is Kerry.
  2. Christopher's siblings are Rachel and Malcolm.
  3. Kathy Campbell is Christopher's aunt.
  4. Chris's grandmother will be coming to see him soon.
  5. Kathy is Kerry's sister-in-law.

Have fun!